What Should You Know About Depression and TMS Therapy?

By: Our Team


At Serenity Mental Health Centers in Fort Worth, TX, we excel in cutting-edge treatments for mental health issues, including TMS therapy for individuals grappling with depression. TMS therapy is a renowned treatment approach that is particularly beneficial for those who have not had success with traditional methods. Continue reading to discover more about TMS therapy and its potential to aid those struggling with depression.

What is TMS therapy?

TMS therapy, also known as transcranial magnetic stimulation, is a noninvasive treatment that utilizes magnetic fields to stimulate specific areas of the brain associated with depression. This procedure involves placing a magnetic coil on the scalp, which emits brief magnetic pulses designed to activate underactive nerve cells that affect mood regulation, potentially easing depression symptoms. TMS therapy has grown in popularity due to its effectiveness and safety profile. Unlike traditional medications, TMS does not cause systemic side effects, making it a preferred choice for many patients. Additionally, each session lasts only about 30 – 60 minutes, offering a convenient option for those with tight schedules.

Who can benefit from TMS therapy?

TMS therapy is particularly effective for our Fort Worth patients who haven't found relief through traditional depression treatments. It provides new hope for those with persistent, severe symptoms and for individuals who experience negative side effects from medications. The key benefits include:

  • TMS therapy is a noninvasive procedure that is generally well-tolerated by patients.
  • The therapy requires multiple sessions that are spread out over several weeks.
  • It is often recommended for patients whose depression has not responded to other treatments, making it a vital option for those with treatment-resistant depression.
  • TMS is currently being explored for its potential benefits in younger populations, particularly adolescents struggling with severe depression.
  • As a drug-free therapy, TMS is appealing to patients who prefer to avoid daily medication.

How effective is TMS therapy for depression?

TMS therapy has been a treatment option for depression for several decades, consistently showing significant improvements in symptoms for many patients. While some individuals achieve partial or full remission, the effectiveness of TMS therapy can vary due to factors such as the severity and duration of depression, previous treatments tried, and biological differences. Although response rates differ, numerous studies have shown that a significant number of patients with treatment-resistant depression experience meaningful improvements. Additionally, the benefits of TMS therapy can be long-lasting, providing many patients with relief from their symptoms for several months or even years following the completion of the treatment course.

Why choose Serenity Mental Health Centers for your TMS therapy?

Choosing TMS therapy at Serenity places your trust in a facility renowned for its commitment to mental health innovation and patient-centered care. Our experienced team crafts each treatment plan to be unique, utilizing the latest research and techniques in depression treatment. We recognize the challenges of living with depression and are dedicated to offering therapies that yield tangible, lasting benefits. By opting for us, you're not just undergoing treatment; you're gaining a partner committed to supporting you throughout your journey to improved mental health.

Treat depression today

If traditional treatments for depression haven't been effective, TMS therapy could be the next step for you. At Serenity Mental Health Centers, we are committed to guiding you through your treatment options with detailed information and compassionate care. To learn more about TMS therapy or to explore your treatment possibilities, contact us in Fort Worth, TX today.

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